Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Prayer of the Deep Sea Minders' Blue Line

Prayer at the Launch of the Pacific Blue Line Deep Sea Mining Ban campaign 25th March, 2021

In the beginning, 

Before your called forth creation

By your Davaar, your logos, your vosa, your Word;

Before you established your household, the ecosystem that sustains all life, which you called good, and very good; 

Before we needed sustainable development goals in life above and life below the sea;

Before the desire for more, before insatiable appetites profaned our sacred relationship with your creation;

Before we began to pillage, land and sea;

Before everything:

Your ruach, your breath, your life-giving spirit hovered and nourished the immense and unfathomable waters.

In affirmation of the many ways we know and experience you,

In celebration of and response to your profound love for your creation, to which we belong,

In response to your command to safeguard your creation,

In honour of ancestor custodians and guardian mothers and fathers before us, 

For sisters and brothers with us and descendants who will come after us

We gather to draw this blue line around our Mother Ocean

To protect her from further degradation for the profit and benefit of a few, while her children are left to fend for themselves. 

We confess that as people, as communities we have not been able to join our hands to hold firm  because we have sought to hold  onto to empty promises sold with bangles, beads and baubles.

Help us o Lord, to hold firm to each other, to hold firm to this blue line, to keep our ancient covenant with you and our family of creation. 

Bind us together in the power of your truth, your love and your justice. Help us in your wisdom and compassion, deeper than any Ocean trench to be ready to extend our hand of fellowship to those who make the courageous decision to walk this line with us..

We pray in the name of your love and truth, your word made flesh, who spoke His peace to the sea, and who gave his life so that we may enjoy life abundantly, Jesus the Christ.


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